Thursday, November 29, 2012

Ode to Joy

Aidan has been practicing Ode to Joy from his lesson book, which has just the opening 8 bars or so. Since he likes this song so well, he has taught himself to play the next 8 bars by ear.

Now, he plays the song in 4 different keys, by playing the fingerings on each of the 4 violin strings. On the G string, he made some grandiose movements with the bow, stately commented, "I think it deserves this ..." and uniformly lengthened each note in the lower key.

I was moved by his use of the verb, "to deserve," in reference to his instrument and the music. He is such an artist!

Soon afterwards, he exclaimed that he wants to learn how to tap dance while playing his violin!

I'll be making some inquiries about lessons, soon. Highland dance ... here we come :)