Friday, November 25, 2011

And the flood gates opened!

For about the past 6 weeks, I've been encouraging Aidan to write out a draft of a creative writing project on an alien encounter. The farthest we've ever gotten, was for Aidan to write out about 6 lines of text to start out his story.

Aidan suffers from no lack of imagination, but when it comes to recording his thoughts on paper, the creativity juices slow to a halt. He's always indicated a willingness to do the work, but when we try to settle into doing written work, he is easily distracted by almost anything.

Since he has creative writing tomorrow morning with his Friday teacher who holds a special place in his heart, I suggested that Aidan record himself (using PhotoBooth) dictating his story so I could type it out for him. The plan was, that I would type out a story draft of what he recorded (purely unedited), and he could make changes to the text.

He recorded an 18-minute video of this story, which translated into 1500 words of text! I noticed that Aidan needs a refresher on phonics for the letters C and S, so I'll go over  that with him, later. He was playing with Austin's organic chemistry molecular modelling kit, so I think that provided some inspiration for parts of the story (the atmosphere, oxygen and hydrogen...)

If I've interpreted Aidan's story correctly, I think it's pretty cool whom he selected to bring back to earth as a discovered alien. I'd really like to hear an interview with his character, Charlie Calvan, upon returning to the planet he once called home!

His story seems to be bringing in the concepts of different measures of time and space, different substances on the alien planet...

Introducing, for your reading pleasure ....

Aidan’s Alien Story, Draft 1
One day, when I was at the space centre, I got to control a probe and after a couple of days, I just let it sit there out in space and then when I came back, it was gone. Just gone. I couldn’t control it anymore. All there was, was just a little piece of metal left, and it was only on the camera. 
So, they sent me out to go see if it even was still there, and if that was just a little piece of a satellite. Then they did. And so I went out and I was in space for three days, one day away from the moon. 
And then suddenly, I saw things like rocks and they were like I was just amazed! They looked tiny. They were just tiny. Really tiny. Then they were just smashing against the spaceship as if it was like a magnet. But then, I saw this weird colour of meat sitting out in space. I could barely see it from of all those little things.
They were called Karcuse (carsoos). K-A-R (car) and then C-U-S-E. So that’s what they were spelled like. And millions of them! But that weird colour of meat! It was like purple and green. No one would expect a meat like that, would they? And so suddenly, all of them just went off the ship and right onto it. In just a couple of seconds, it was gone. Just this really strange skeleton that was almost as big as my shuttle. But it was huge! Those little things! Tiny things! This big or something. Just attacking that. Just a couple of seconds later. But there was thousands. Just a couple seconds later. . .Yeah.
And so, I was like, “Whoa! Alien Discovery. I must have discovered aliens! I’m going to go check it out.” And so I did. And then, I checked it out and kaboom! It was a planet that if you got stuck into its atmosphere, you go down into the planet. But it has this second type of atmosphere. It’s a floating atmosphere that it will make them not. .. It will just slow them down.
Then suddenly, a whole bunch of those things, and I felt like the first one to be on that planet, ever. And so I felt like, “There’s not going to be oxygen here.” But then suddenly, I saw this person waving their arms and saying, “Help!” surrounded by these weird type of creatures. It was like they had fur, but it was spikes! That were real sharp. And they didn't even have teeth. Instead it was just muscle that could crush anything. And so what they would do is they’d put rocks inside that muscle, and then get them stuck in little pieces of bone and then eat. And so that’s how they would eat. And they only had two huge front teeth, one metre long. But they were huge! About 3/4 the size of my shuttle and my shuttle is huge. But everything there was big!
The birds, I saw even one of them so big I couldn't believe it! It was 3 times bigger than my shuttle and that was a regular bird. But the biggest bird that I found out on this planet, was called Carkases (sarcassus). So huge things just going by me, but the smallest things were those little things and they were even small on our planet. And so from humongous things to tiny. But the biggest thing ever that I saw wasn't the same species that I’m talking about, but huge. It was 39 times bigger than my shuttle. And my shuttle was big. It was about, let’s see, 30ft long or something like that. No, much bigger than that. It was 60 feet something. No, 69 feet and 11 inches. Just one inch longer and that would just be the flames. And so it’s practically just 70 feet. And so 30 times bigger! That’s a lot!
And so, I was amazed of all these creatures. But there was just one. The one that I saw, the carcass out there. Well, I’m just going to start discovering. So it all, when I found out about the probe. That’s part of it when I discovered, but the main part was what it looked like. So I noticed the colour of its meat - green and purple sort of bangs. And then, boom! It’s like, Wow! When I first saw it, I was amazed, but their babies. It’s like they were huge! Just giant! And their babies were huge. I could take one with me, but it would be quite hard. But I decided to, and raise one. 
And then I realised, this planet drifts and I have to wait 10 years until I get back and so I would run out of fuel. Either go down or run out of fuel. That was my only choice. So I had to go down. And so I took out rifles and stuff but they were useless, completely useless. You couldn't use them at all. And so I was like, “What!?” 
And then, I found out the creature that I was deciding to study on was the most intelligent. And so it came down to me and it handed me this weird thing. It looked weird, slimy-ish. Just the part where you held on, that’s where he said. So it’s like, “This?” And it gave me some pile of slimy stuff to eat, like, “Ugh!” But then, I asked, “How old are you?” And then he just said, “Twenty-five point nine thousand years old.” And that, I flipped, I’m like, “Could you please come with me?” And he said, “No. There’s two atmospheres in our world and that’s what keeps us breathing. The birds of our place have special feathers. They have spikes on them but they’re really heavy, and they can fly. How strange is that? Strange. We have these type of birds in a cold place. Oh yes, we have a cold place too. It’s called Poleinca (poleensa).”
“Poleinca?” I said. “Wow! That’s a strange name.” 
“And then we have Poleinca North.”
“Where’s that?” 
“Well, let’s see. Where’s your compass. You can’t really tell, really. It just stays one way ... the arrow. It never moves.”
And so, I checked it out. He pointed where the north Poleinca was. It was pointing south.
To my amazement, I actually realised that North Poleinca was south. So they had it backwards. Our life is small. Their life is big. 
But then, I asked, “How long does ... What?! Wait a minute. There aren’t any trees!”
“What are trees?”
“Things that produce air. How do you get air?”
“From space. It turns into oxygen. First it turns into H2O, and then all the hydrogen comes off and then it just turns into oxygen. A whole bunch of it. So much. It’s all the moist. Anything moist in space. One little lump just keeps it going. And so we have a whole bunch of air. But these superpoles. That’s what we call our trees. They’re great.”
“And so how can I get back home?”
“Well, you will have to do this. Wait 10 years, or maybe 10,000. Let me try to think.”
“No, don’t let it be 10,000. I won’t live for long.”
“On this planet, everything lives for long. We’ve had one of your species come here before. He was named Charlie Calvan. He was dangerous to us. He was the first. But then, just 10,000 years later, he said, “How am I alive? I should be dead.”
“Well, I didn’t expect that, so I’d like to see your planet, ours.”
“Uh, I don’t know.” 
But they did. And the person who was surrounded by the porcupine dogs. The big beasts came in and just destroyed them. 
So we ended up only taking one of those aliens, and that person was Charlie Calvan who we took. 
And so I just am going to my amazement, “This is it! I’m going home!” 
But then he said, “Has it been 10 years yet?” 
And then I went, “Oh, I don’t know. This I really don’t know.”
And so we had to go back so we just wasted most of our fuel getting back out. But then we waited 10 years later, we were getting back on track. And so then we made it there.
We got home and showed the science museum all about this stuff.
The End.

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