Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Art is Where his Heart is

Aidan had his first voice lesson (in about 5 years) today. He really likes his teacher, Lloyd.

He is learning a Portal 2 song, called "If I were a Core." I think he was hoping to be able to make his voice sound mechanical, but Lloyd explained that the YouTube recording Aidan admires, has been altered with computer effects.

Aidan believes that if he does a lot of singing before his voice changes, he will be able to retain his "singing voice." I don't really know much about that, though it doesn't hurt to get the skills.

On the drive home, Aidan insisted that he was going to do some more work on his Brazil country study assignment which was due on Monday (two days ago), and write a good copy of a pen pal letter which is due tomorrow.

I reminded him of these goals several times, as I would find him in a corner with the iPad, listening to Portal songs. He sang the full song as he walked around the house. I asked him to work on the pen pal letter, and he promptly set up in the dining room, his rough copy in hand.

When I checked on him about 10 minutes later, he was cutting out some blue construction paper to make a label on a folder. Then, he cut and glued corner effects on the folder, and finally we've ended up with this, just prior to tucking into bed for the night, his folder propped up on display in the dining room, beside the ketchup bottle that didn't get put away after dinner ...

I opened the folder to find the lyrics to the song, carefully stored inside:

He's had 3 weeks to prepare his assignment on Brazil and to complete a science project. 

Overwhelmingly, activities related to the arts are what grip him and inspire him to express himself. He really *wants* to do a great job on his Brazil project, yet he struggles to keep it to a simple presentation. I can see that he wants to do so much more than what has been assigned, but this desire is preventing him from meeting the basic requirements. If there's a way to make it about art, he may at last achieve his goal!

I also observed how confident Aidan is in most of his artistic pursuits. On the drive home from his voice lesson, I asked if Lloyd was teaching Aidan some breathing techniques, and Aidan responded, "No. Probably because I'm already a pretty good singer." No doubt! I'd love to see some of that confidence spread to other areas of his life.

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