Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Eleven Giant Cows

by Aidan Cove

Eleven giant cows ran into a den

One never came out and then there were ten.

Ten giant cows pulled a line

One snapped it and then there were nine. 

Nine giant cows tried to fit through a gate

One was too fat and then there were eight. 

Eight giant cows went to 7-Eleven 

One bought beer and got drunk and then there were seven. 

Seven giant cows jumped over sticks 

One fell and exploded and then there were six. 

Six giant cows went to a tree with a bee hive 

One was stung and then there were five. 

Five giant cows stomped on a door

One fell off and then there were four. 

Four giant cows slept under a tree 

One never woke up and then there were three. 

Three giant cows went to the zoo 

One liked the big fat gorilla and then there were two. 

Two giant cows went looking for a planet called Gunne 

One found it and then there was one.

One giant cow which is me... who told this big fat story.


  1. Yay for the iPad!! He's producing ... he's producing ... :)

  2. Love it, love it! What was his inspiration? Why Cows??????

  3. His poetry study was based on a poem entitled, "Ten Little Aliens," ... you know the theme ;) Students were asked to write their own "Ten Little Aliens" poem. Aidan decided to add one to start, and the cows idea seemed to just come out of the air.
    When I asked him this morning, why he chose cows, his answer was, "because I like fat things!"
    Which of course led us to remember that Telestrations game with Brian and Elaine, in which Aidan thought Brian's roundish bus driver was a "fat guy."
    Thanks for your timely comment. Aidan wasn't keen to go to school today, but after I shared your comment, he brightened up.

  4. I'm still laughing at some of the images . . .. cows squeezing through the gate really made me laugh. Any chance of some illustrations?
