Sunday, March 4, 2012

Wolf Brother book review

I finished reading this book aloud to Aidan this morning. It's a real page-turner and Aidan simply loved it. We've already borrowed book 2, Spirit Walker, from the library. Austin was unexpectedly drawn into the story, so he is now off in his room, devouring the second book.

Here's Aidan's book review. This is his first book review, ever.

Paver, Michelle, Wolf Brother. London: Orion Children's Books, 2004.
Wolf Brother is about a boy who finds a wolf as his guide. His father dies. A bear is looking for him for a long time. The bear dies and the boy meets a clan called Raven Clan.
My favourite part of the story was chapter 32 because Hord and the bear die and it has a great ending. The sad part was that the bear died because I was expecting the demon to come out of the bear and the bear to turn back into a cub.
Torak made it so that the wolf was his brother. I was impressed that Torak would be able to speak wolf and understand wolf.
The most frightening chapter was the first one and it was a good part of the book.
I have recommended this book to some people in my class.

While I read the book to Aidan, he was gripped by the story. He frequently interjected with predictions for what might happen next. He had many theories about why some characters had to die or suffer. He was very curious and speculated the meaning of a riddle that was being solved throughout much of the book.

There were many opportunities to expand vocabulary. Aidan learned the meaning of "fathomless," "incessantly," "paces," and "abode," as well as countless other words. We also had to interpret Wolf's descriptions, such as "Tall Tailless," "Lights," "Darks," and "Bright Beast-that-Bites-Hot," = "Torak," "Days," "Nights," and "Fire." Wolf observed that Torak wasn't as fast as him, nor could he smell or hear as well as Wolf could. Torak noticed that there is no concept of future in wolf language; only the present. Aidan was intrigued by this.

Last night, we reached Chapter 31 (the second-last chapter) and Aidan decided to go to bed. The look on Austin's face was priceless! He was incredulous of our ability to put the book down at that stage. So, he couldn't resist and finished reading the book on his own before tucking in for the night.


  1. I'm not in Aidan's class but he's hooked me . . . . I want to read this book!

    1. Most definitely, I encourage you to read this book. Kate McK says the first book was her favourite, but she enjoyed all six in the series. The final book, Ghost Hunter, won the Guardian Children's Fiction prize. Paver is working on a new series now, which takes place in the Bronze Age. Wolf Brother takes place in the Stone Age in northern Europe.
